Monday, 11 June 2018

Computer Shortcut For The Computer Expert

Computer Shortcut For The Computer Expert
WIN + PAUSE BREAK :- Quickly Access the Computer Proprieties ( for the Desktop)
FUN KEY +WIN + PAUSE BREAK :- Quickly Access the Computer Proprieties ( for the Laptop)
  Win+R to open the Run dialog  and then user below shortcut key :

.MSC Command ......
D Domains and Trusts : domain.msc
Active Directory Management :admgmt.msc
AD Sites and Services :dssite.msc
AD Users and Computers :dsa.msc
ADSI Edit :adsiedit.msc
Authorization manager :azman.msc
Certification Authority Management :certsrv.msc
Certificate Templates :certtmpl.msc
Cluster Administrator :cluadmin.exe
Computer Management :compmgmt.msc
Component Services :comexp.msc
Configure Your Server :cys.exe
Device Manager :devmgmt.msc
DHCP Management :dhcpmgmt.msc
Disk Defragmenter :dfrg.msc
Disk Manager :diskmgmt.msc
Distributed File System :dfsgui.msc
DNS Management :dnsmgmt.msc
Event Viewer :eventvwr.msc
Indexing Service Management :ciadv.msc
IP Address Manage :ipaddrmgmt.msc
Licensing Manager :llsmgr.exe
Local Certificates Management :certmgr.msc
Local Group Policy Editor :gpedit.msc
Local Security Settings Manager :secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups Manager :lusrmgr.msc
Network Load balancing :nlbmgr.exe
Performance Monitor :perfmon.msc
PKI Viewer :pkiview.msc
Public Key Management :pkmgmt.msc
Quality of Service Control Management :acssnap.msc
Remote Desktop :tsmmc.msc
Remote Storage Administration :rsadmin.msc
Removable Storage :ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests :ntmsoprq.msc
Routing and Remote Access Manager :rrasmgmt.msc
Resultant Set of Policy :rsop.msc
Schema management :schmmgmt.msc
Services Management :services.msc
Shared Folders :fsmgmt.msc
SID Security Migration :sidwalk.msc
Telephony Management :tapimgmt.msc
Terminal Server Configuration :tscc.msc
Terminal Server Licensing :licmgr.exe
Terminal Server Manager :tsadmin.exe
UDDI Services Managment :uddi.msc
Windows Mangement Instumentation :wmimgmt.msc
WINS Server manager :winsmgmt.msc
.CPL Command ......
Access.cpl :Accessibility properties Appwiz.cpl :Add/Remove Programs properties Desk.cpl : Display properties FindFast.cpl :FindFast (included with Microsoft Office for Windows 95) Inetcpl.cpl :Internet properties Intl.cpl :Regional Settings properties Joy.cpl : Joystick properties Main.cpl : Mouse, Fonts, Keyboard, and Printers properties Mlcfg32.cpl : Microsoft Exchange or Windows Messaging properties Mmsys.cpl :Multimedia properties Modem.cpl :Modem properties Netcpl.cpl :Network properties Odbccp32.cpl : Data Sources (32-bit ODBC, included w/ Microsoft Office) Password.cpl : Password properties Sticpl.cpl :Scanners and Cameras properties Sysdm.cpl : System properties and Add New Hardware wizard Themes.cpl :Desktop Themes TimeDate.cpl :Date/Time properties Wgpocpl.cpl :Microsoft Mail Post Office
Shortcut for PC RESET:
hold shift key then restart PC before start reset option is show.